July 25, 2024
The 2024 Solano Rail Crossings Safety Improvements Plan Update identifies grade crossings in Solano County that are in most need of safety improvements and develops a list of at-grade crossing improvement projects that are needed to improve safety and train operations reliability.
March 13, 2025
California State Route 37 (SR 37) is a 21-mile long state highway that connects Interstate 80 in the Solano County city of Vallejo with U.S. Highway 101 in the Marin County city of Novato. Running along the northern shore of San Pablo Bay, SR 37 is the most direct connection between eastern and western portions of the North Bay, and therefore serves as a vital link for travelers traveling between Solano, Napa, Sonoma, and Marin Counties.
Although the corridor has been proposed to be upgraded to freeway standards since the 1950s, due to various environmental and economic challenges it exists as a two-lane highway for most of its length and consistently suffers from heavy congestion and travel time delays. Resulting from these issues is an interest among North Bay jurisdictions, including the transportation authorities of Solano, Napa, Marin, and Sonoma Counties, to explore the feasibility of an optimized transit solution for the SR 37 corridor that would better enable travelers to connect across the North Bay without a private vehicle and also alleviate the continuing traffic congestion along SR 37 (estimated in 2019 at 13-hours a day). With this plan, the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) is building upon the findings of a previously completed SR 37 Travel Behavior and Transit Feasibility Study (2019) to identify appropriate mobility solutions for the corridor that are both feasible and data informed.
March 19, 2019
The Vallejo Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) is the result of a seven-month planning process (December, 2007 – June, 2008) that combined community input and technical analysis to identify mobility issues and solutions for the low-income population in the Vallejo project area.
October 30, 2020
June 16, 2014
The I-80/I-680/I-780 Transit Corridor Study analyzes existing transit services and demand and provides short and long-range transit plans for intercity express bus services and auxiliary facility improvements, such as direct access ramps to center median HOV lanes, park, and ride, and transit center demand & site planning. The purpose of the I-80/I-680/I-780 Transit Corridor Study is to recommend a regional transit service design that responds to changes in the market and technology.
January 27, 2025
The Napa/Solano Passenger/Freight Rail Study (2003) analyzed the potential of passenger rail and enhanced rail freight activity between Napa and Solano counties. This effort was in partnership with Napa Valley Transportation Authority.
March 5, 2025
The Rio Vista Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP), developed by the Solano Transportation Authority in collaboration with the City of Rio Vista, aims to enhance local mobility options. This plan identifies transit needs, with a focus on low-income and economically disadvantaged populations, and proposes potential service enhancements, including expanded Delta Breeze services. Community input and available funding guide the recommended improvements outlined in this plan. The plan seeks to foster accessibility, address transportation gaps and connect Rio Vista with regional services. Through this initiative, Rio Vista seeks to improve transportation equity and efficiency for its residents.
August 6, 2019
February 2, 2021
The 2018 California State Rail Plan, the state’s strategic plan for creating a coordinated, statewide rail network, identified a “Solano County Hub” to link Capitol Corridor, future Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) trains, and regional buses. This report analyzed potential rail station locations along the Union Pacific Railroad/SMART corridor within Solano County to determine a recommended location for the proposed Solano County Hub. The study recommends the current location of the Suisun-Fairfield Capitol Corridor Station as the SMART-Capitol Corridor station site. In addition, the report provides a range of station options for another station site in the Cordelia area in the City of Fairfield that could be considered in the update of the City’s General Plan.
Please contact Associate Planner Kathrina Gregana at kgregana@sta.ca.gov with any questions or concerns.
September 20, 2016
The STA Board has developed and adopted the Solano Coordinated Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP) in order to provide a more seamless transit system for travelers in Solano County. The goal is to increase service productivity, cost efficiency and cost effectiveness of the six existing transit operators.
The Coordinated SRTP consists of a Background and Summary section, the adopted SRTPs for each transit operator, and a Coordination Analysis that addresses specific MTC requirements. The Coordination Report includes a section on service coordination and addresses MTC’s requirement to “establish common performance measures.”
May 29, 2019
July 14, 2022
The Solano Countywide Electrification Transition Plan is the culmination of several months of analysis and coordination with each of the five transit operators in Solano County and will serve as a guiding document to identify the need, propose a transition timeframe, and provide a year-by-year summary of proposed changes. This can be used by transit operators, and STA alike, to define upcoming needs and apply for funding necessary to accommodate ZEB fleets. The Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Plan was funded by a Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) grant in 2020.
Please contact Project Manager Jasper Alve at jalve@sta.ca.gov with any questions or concerns.
May 30, 2019
April 1, 2015
The Update projects priorities for rail stations, future rail passenger service, and rail freight priorities for the next 10 years. The short-medium term outlook of the plan reflects the desire by the sponsoring agencies to identify improvements that are reasonable, realistic and potentially eligible for funding within known programs. There are also developments impacting the rail facilities of Solano County and investments in facilities that will be more likely to occur beyond the 10-year horizon. These are identified where relevant throughout the document.
June 9, 2022
In January 2021, the STA Board officially designated the Suisun-Fairfield Station as the Solano Rail Hub. In February 2021, the STA, in partnership with the cities of Suisun City and Fairfield, the County of Solano and the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, began the process of developing a Project Study Report to detail the design layout of the station and associated facilities. This report documents the initial findings from Phase I of the PSR process and outlines the next steps for the Phase II study.
Please contact Associate Planner Kathrina Gregana at kgregana@sta.ca.gov with any questions or concerns.
February 24, 2025
Designing a transit route to meet communities’ needs in an efficient and effective manner requires a thorough understanding of the operating environment, existing transit service and potential demand for the service. This SR 12 Transit Corridor Study presents relevant findings from recent plans and studies, information on area transit operations and specifically intercity routes, and the demographic characteristics of, and travel behavior in, Solano and Napa Counties. These findings help provide the basis for subsequent steps in the planning process for the implementation of the proposed service.
May 3, 2019
The purpose of this study is to understand the demand and propensity to use transit and non-single occupant vehicle options on SR 37 to relieve congestion and address equity concerns. This report presents a summary of a four-step right-sized transit analysis approach and methodology along with an evaluation of potential transit options including future considerations. A non-single occupant vehicle opportunities and constraints analysis is also presented.
November 21, 2022
Community Based Transportation Plans (CBTPs) are funded by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Bay Area’s Equity Priority Communities, which includes most of Suisun City. The concept of the CBTP was borne out of MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Network and environmental justice efforts nearly 20 years ago. While much has changed since the release of reports from those efforts, transportation challenges remain and may become more severe unless addressed with strategic planning alternatives. Foreseeable challenges to be addressed in this CBTP include changes in the transit landscape, continued effects from COVID-19, the growth of the over 75-year-old population at a faster rate than other age cohorts, and consistently meeting mobility and accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. In addition to people with disabilities, older adults, and low-income populations, other populations included in the Equity Priority Communities, such as people of color and zero vehicle households are incorporated as primary targets of the mobility strategies in this study.
June 10, 2014
The STA conducted SolanoExpress Intercity Ridership Study update in March-May 2014. This was a joint effort with the two intercity transit operators, Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST) and Solano County Transit (SolTrans). The study included an onboard passenger survey and analysis, on-time performance and counts of boardings and alightings.
June 25, 2024
The Vallejo Passenger Rail Study explored the feasibility of passenger rail service within Vallejo and to nearby communities, such as Napa, Fairfield/Suisun City, and Novato and found that a substantial market exists to and from Vallejo, with demand both within the city (and American Canyon) and to regional destinations with connections to the state rail network. The study identifies next steps to begin advancing concepts of rail service in Vallejo in partnership with adjacent counties, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, and the State.
July 26, 2019
This Report presents a financial feasibility analysis of new and expanded ferry services serving residents and employees in Solano County. Click the link below to view the full Water Transit Feasibility Study.