Legislative Program

Staff Contacts

Sean Person
Legislative Assistant
Phone: 707-399-3220
Email: sperson@sta.ca.gov

Each year, STA staff monitors state and federal legislation that pertains directly to transportation and related issues. The STA Board-adopted Legislative Platform also serves as a guideline for legislative trips to Sacramento and Washington, D.C. STA staff regularly updates the STA State and Federal Legislative Matrix that lists bills staff is currently monitoring and any position the STA has taken.

To help ensure the STA’s transportation policies and priorities are consensus-based, the STA’s Legislative Platform is first developed in a draft form and then distributed to member agencies, members of our federal and state legislative delegations, and STA’s SolanoExpress Transit Consortium and Technical Advisory Committee for review and comment prior to adoption by the STA Board.

On January 10, 2024, the STA Board adopted the 2024 Legislative Platform.

View and download the 2024 Legislative Platform

STA staff regularly updates a matrix listing legislative bills of interest, download the STA Bill Matrix.