STA Program TFCA 40% Fund Program
The STA coordinates with the BAAQMD to administer 40% TFCA Funds. Eligible projects include bicycle and pedestrian improvements, ridesharing, Safe Routes to School projects, and traffic calming. Eligible projects are approved directly by the STA Board based on criteria approved by the BAAQMD.
Solano County is located within two air districts: the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and the Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD). Both Air Districts and the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) annually make available funding for clean air projects through a $4 surcharge from vehicle registration fees. The YSAQMD also provides clean air funding through a small portion of property tax revenue in addition to vehicle registration fees. Eligible clean air projects such as bicycle and pedestrian projects, vehicle and rideshare incentive programs, transit/shuttle service, and alternative fuel infrastructure.
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) administers sixty percent (60%) of the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) funds collected from Bay Area counties through a $4 vehicle registration fee. This funding is made available on an annual and competitive basis Bay Area wide. The cities of Vallejo, Benicia, Suisun City, Fairfield and the southern portion of unincorporated Solano County are eligible to compete for the BAAQMD Regional TFCA Program funding. Regional TFCA Program funds are allocated annually in the Fall. Interested applicants are encouraged to get further details directly from the BAAQMD’s Website. Past Solano County projects funded through the BAAQMD’s Regional Funds included vehicle replacements and safe routes to school projects. Approximately $8 million is available each year for the BAAQMD’s TFCA Regional Program.
Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD)
The Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD) Board of Directors coordinates with the STA Board annually to fund clean air projects. Eligible agencies include the cities of Dixon, Rio Vista, Vacaville and the northern portion of unincorporated Solano County. Funding for the YSAQMD’s Clean Air Program is generated from a $4 vehicle registration fee and property tax collected from those jurisdictions. In FY 2023-24, the YSAQMD approved $410,000 for bicycle and pedestrian projects, clean air education in Solano County. For more information on this program please visit the YSAQMD Website.