If you are interested to be added to our consultant database, please download and fill out the STA Consultant Database Form and email it to info@sta.ca.gov .
Consultants can utilize this link to search for certified DVBE firms.
It is the policy of the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) shall have the maximum feasible opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with STA funds. The STA and its employees shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, or disability in the award and administration of STA contracts. It is the intention of the STA to create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for contracts and subcontracts relating to the STA’s construction, procurement and professional services activities.
The STA has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and their Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26 (49 CFR 26).
Caltrans 2013 DBE Goals & Methodology
DBE Requirements for RFPs
All projects receiving federal dollars must have DBE goals and comply with regulations set forth by Caltrans. On June 29, 2012, the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) announced major changes to the statewide DBE Program. As part of those changes, bidders/proposers should review the policies outlined in Caltrans Exhibits 10-I, “Notice to Bidders/Proposers DBE Information and 10-J”, “Standard Agreement for Subcontractor/DBE Participation”, in addition to the STA’s DBE Program which can be accessed through the following links:
Exh 10-I Notice to Bidders/Proposers
Exh 10-J Standard Agr for Subs
Pursuant to the monitoring requirements outlined in Section XIV of the STA’s DBE Program (49 CFR 26.37), the bidder/proposer will be required to complete and submit Caltrans Exhibit 10-O1 and 10-O2, “Local Agency Proposer/Bidder-DBE (Consultant Contract) Information” with the award document, regardless of DBE participation, and Exhibit 17-F, “Final Report Utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises” with the completion of the contract. These Forms can be provided electronically upon request.
Required form at Time of Award:
Exh 10-O1 Prop-Bidr DBE Commitment Form
Exh 10-O2 Prop-Bidr DBE Info Form
Exh 15h Good Faith Efforts DBE
Required Form at Time of Contract Completion:
The STA is seeking a consultant to prepare the Aligning Middle Wage Jobs with Housing in Solano County PPA Plan. This report would identify public infrastructure that is needed in Solano PPAs and develop policies, programs, and strategies to encourage advanced manufacturing and the use of clean energy and micro-grids in these areas. The completed data and information in the document will be used to apply for grant funding to deliver the required infrastructure and actions identified by the plan to accelerate PPA development.
Release Date: August 16, 2024
Pre-Proposal Meeting: August 28, 2024, at 9:00AM via Zoom (preregistration required)
Deadline to Submit Questions about RFP: September 6, 2024
Deadline to Submit Questions about RFP for 2nd Q&A Period: September 25, 2024
Proposals Due: October 23, 2024
Staff Contact:
Kathrina Gregana, Associate Planner
(707) 399-3230
The RFP and related materials are provided below:
Documents:The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) invites consultants to submit a proposal to develop the Solano Rail Hub Residential Cluster Suisun City and Fairfield Priority Development Area (PDA) Plan.
To obtain a copy of the full Request for Proposals (RFP), please download the RFP as a PDF file from the STA website (https://sta.ca.gov/work-with-sta/procurement-opportunities/) or call the STA at (707) 424-6075.
The RFP describes the project, presents the requirements of the Proposer, and outlines the criteria that will be used to evaluate the Proposal.
Qualified organizations are invited to submit one (1) hard copy and one (1) digital copy (CD or flash drive) of your Proposal to the STA office no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, August 30, 2024, addressed to:
Attn: Kathrina Gregana
Associate Planner
Solano Transportation Authority
423 Main Street
Suisun City, CA 94585
Note that this deadline is firm and late submittals will not be accepted. Proposals will be reviewed and, if needed, the firms/teams whose qualifications most closely meet the STA’s needs will be invited to interview on or around the week of September 13, 2024.
The STA has adopted a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (“DBE”) goal for this project which is 10%. Please note that the attached DBE forms (Exhibit 10-O1 and Exhibit 10-O2) must be filled out and included in an appendix of your firm’s proposal. Firms whose proposals fail to meet the established DBE goal must demonstrate in writing what efforts they have made to locate DBE firms. The STA has the right to deem a proposal as non-responsive if this participation goal has not been met, and documentation demonstrating a good faith effort is judged inadequate. Guidelines for determining good faith efforts are available from the STA.
The STA encourages, but does not require for this solicitation, the use of local firms. To assist in the use of local firms, the STA has prepared a database of contact information for local firms for convenience purposes only and without guarantees as to the ability of such firms to provide the services. This database and the Local Preference Policy can be viewed at: https://sta.ca.gov/operations/rfp-rfq-local-preference/
If you have questions regarding this project, please contact Kathrina Gregana, Associate Planner, at kgregana@sta.ca.gov or 707-399-3230. Thank you for your interest.
Documents:The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) invites consultants to submit a proposal to develop the Solano Countywide Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Plan (Solano CCARP) for Transportation Infrastructure.
To obtain a copy of the full Request for Proposals (RFP), please download the RFP as a PDF file from the STA website (https://sta.ca.gov/work-with-sta/procurement-opportunities/) or call the STA at (707) 424-6075.
The RFP describes the project, presents the requirements of the Proposer, and outlines the criteria that will be used to evaluate the Proposal.
Qualified organizations are invited to submit one (1) hard copy and one (1) digital copy (CD or flash drive) of your Proposal to the STA office no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 addressed to:
Attn: Kathrina Gregana
Associate Planner
Solano Transportation Authority
423 Main Street
Suisun City, CA 94585
Note that this deadline is firm and late submittals will not be accepted. Proposals will be reviewed and, if needed, the firms/teams whose qualifications most closely meet the STA’s needs will be invited to interview on or around the week of July 23, 2024.
The STA has adopted a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (“DBE”) goal for this project which is 21%. Please note that the attached DBE forms (Exhibit 10-O1 and Exhibit 10-O2) must be filled out and included in an appendix of your firm’s proposal. Firms whose proposals fail to meet the established DBE goal must demonstrate in writing what efforts they have made to locate DBE
firms. The STA has the right to deem a proposal as non-responsive if this participation goal has not been met, and documentation demonstrating a good faith effort is judged inadequate. Guidelines for determining good faith efforts are available from the STA.
The STA encourages, but does not require for this solicitation, the use of local firms. To assist in the use of local firms, the STA has prepared a database of contact information for local firms for convenience purposes only and without guarantees as to the ability of such firms to provide the services. This database and the Local Preference Policy can be viewed at: https://sta.ca.gov/operations/rfp-rfq-local-preference/
If you have questions regarding this project, please contact Kathrina Gregana, Associate Planner at kgregana@sta.ca.gov or 707-399-3230. Thank you for your interest.