The Jepson Parkway Project will span 12-miles to create a multi-modal corridor that will serve as an I-80 Reliever Route....
July 25, 2024
The 2024 Solano Rail Crossings Safety Improvements Plan Update identifies grade crossings in Solano County that are in most need of safety improvements and develops a list of at-grade crossing improvement projects that are needed to improve safety and train operations reliability.
March 9, 2014
The Jepson Parkway Concept Plan encourages the linkage between transportation and land use by developing a multi-modal corridor that supports transit and provides guidelines so the four communities on the parkway can build in an integrated fashion.
June 8, 2023
North Connector Corridor Transportation for Livable Communities Concept Plan 2008
January 22, 2019
The Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) has awarded STA a $170,000 grant to coordinate the adoption of a standardized collision data program throughout Solano County. This effort will seek to obtain collision reporting software for each police department within Solano County. This software will provide standardized information and geo-coding of collision locations, for easier analysis and planning. The ultimate goal of this program is to be able to identify dangerous intersections or corridors and seek state funding for improvements to these locations. This database is now complete and is currently being used by STA and each of its member agencies.
June 4, 2019
February 8, 2019
The purpose of this report is to produce a comprehensive description of the condition of Solano County’s local streets and roads pavement rehabilitation efforts, and pavement conditions. Timely investment in roadway preservation can save cities millions of tax dollars in long-term maintenance costs.