July 25, 2024
The 2024 Solano Rail Crossings Safety Improvements Plan Update identifies grade crossings in Solano County that are in most need of safety improvements and develops a list of at-grade crossing improvement projects that are needed to improve safety and train operations reliability.
December 11, 2013
The purpose of the Alternative Fuels Plan is to review major choices for alternative fuels and vehicles, assesses their benefits and costs, and identify implementation actions to help overcome barriers to greater use of alternative fuels. The Plan is intended to be a tool to assist member agencies in future decisions for fleet conversions and infrastructure improvements, as well as an advocacy document for future grant funding and other discretionary funding sources, such as Clean Air Funds and Transportation Funds for Clean Air.
November 12, 2019
Sixth Annual Report on the Solano County Regional Transportation Impact Fee
June 8, 2023
North Connector Corridor Transportation for Livable Communities Concept Plan 2008
March 5, 2025
The Rio Vista Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP), developed by the Solano Transportation Authority in collaboration with the City of Rio Vista, aims to enhance local mobility options. This plan identifies transit needs, with a focus on low-income and economically disadvantaged populations, and proposes potential service enhancements, including expanded Delta Breeze services. Community input and available funding guide the recommended improvements outlined in this plan. The plan seeks to foster accessibility, address transportation gaps and connect Rio Vista with regional services. Through this initiative, Rio Vista seeks to improve transportation equity and efficiency for its residents.
May 30, 2019
May 30, 2019
July 9, 2024
Housing Elements of a city or county General Plan are required to be updated every 8 years in order to plan for housing needs at all income levels. Each Housing Element includes goals, policies and programs that address local housing needs and serves as the blueprint for how a city or county will grow. The STA’s County Planning Collaborative on Housing provided financial and consultant resources to each participating agency through Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grant funding.
The County of Solano and each city have a certified housing element or is on track to complete it. Housing Element information by jurisdiction can be found by clicking on the respective links below:
December 19, 2023
Tenth Annual Report on the Solano County Regional Transportation Impact Fee
October 7, 2020
The STA’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) for Solano County envisions, directs, and prioritizes the transportation needs of Solano County. The CTP incorporates various STA studies and plans into a 25-year planning document. This section presents the land use plans, policies, and programs that will support the infrastructure and transportation investments in the CTP. It incorporates information from the 2019 Solano Housing Summit, interviews with landowners and developers, UC Berkeley research on regional housing issues, and the Solano EDC’s Moving Solano Forward Report.
September 1, 2016
Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) are locally identified areas for conservation which provide important agricultural, natural resource, historical, scenic, cultural, recreational, and/or ecological values and ecosystem functions. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) initially began designating Priority Conservation Areas (PCAs) in 2007. To date, Solano County has five (5) designated PCAs along with the San Francisco Bay Trail and Bay Area Ridge Trail alignments being regional PCAs. In 2013, the STA Board approved a $1.175 million fund allocation for the County of Solano for the Suisun Valley Farm to Market Phase 1 Project. Additionally, funds were approved for the development of a Solano PCA Assessment and Implementation Plan. This Plan assesses the current PCAs in Solano County, the potential for designating new PCAs, and identifying potential projects to be funded through future funding sources including, but not limited to, One Bay Area Grant.
October 15, 2020
On December 3, 2013, the Solano County Board of Supervisors established the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) as part of the Solano County Public Facility Fee (PFF). This was in response to a recommendation and request by the STA Board of Directors to the Solano County Board of Supervisors to create a transportation impact fee to mitigate the impacts created by future growth. The STA Board’s request was built upon several community and stakeholder input meetings during the development of the STA’s RTIF Nexus Study.
Since the program began, STA administered a total of $9.2 million collected with over 89% of the funds obligated or committed to priority RTIF projects. In summary, a total of $2.188 million was collected for eligible RTIF projects in FY 2019-20 (after accounting for STA’s two percent administrative fee to manage the program).
December 9, 2021
Eighth Annual Report on the Solano County Regional Transportation Impact Fee
June 8, 2023
Ninth Annual Report on the Solano County Regional Transportation Impact Fee
February 24, 2025
Designing a transit route to meet communities’ needs in an efficient and effective manner requires a thorough understanding of the operating environment, existing transit service and potential demand for the service. This SR 12 Transit Corridor Study presents relevant findings from recent plans and studies, information on area transit operations and specifically intercity routes, and the demographic characteristics of, and travel behavior in, Solano and Napa Counties. These findings help provide the basis for subsequent steps in the planning process for the implementation of the proposed service.
November 21, 2022
Community Based Transportation Plans (CBTPs) are funded by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Bay Area’s Equity Priority Communities, which includes most of Suisun City. The concept of the CBTP was borne out of MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Network and environmental justice efforts nearly 20 years ago. While much has changed since the release of reports from those efforts, transportation challenges remain and may become more severe unless addressed with strategic planning alternatives. Foreseeable challenges to be addressed in this CBTP include changes in the transit landscape, continued effects from COVID-19, the growth of the over 75-year-old population at a faster rate than other age cohorts, and consistently meeting mobility and accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. In addition to people with disabilities, older adults, and low-income populations, other populations included in the Equity Priority Communities, such as people of color and zero vehicle households are incorporated as primary targets of the mobility strategies in this study.
May 30, 2019