Solano Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Plan

Following the conclusion of the 60-day public review commenting period, the STA Board approved the adoption of the Solano Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Plan during the September 14th STA Board meeting. The Plan is the culmination of several months of analysis and coordination with each of the five transit operators in Solano County and will serve as a guiding document to identify the need, propose a transition timeframe, and provide a year-by-year summary of proposed changes. This can be used by transit operators, and STA alike, to define upcoming needs and apply for funding necessary to accommodate ZEB fleets. The Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Plan was funded by a Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) grant in 2020.

To view the Solano Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Plan, click HERE.

Please contact Project Manager Jasper Alve at with any questions or concerns.

SB I-680 Lane Closure for Benicia Bridge Inspection, Aug. 1-4

Date: July 29, 2022
District: Four – Oakland
Contact: Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 867-6028


Lane closure planned for SB Interstate 680 at Benicia Bridge due to biennial structure inspection on Monday, August 1. to Thursday, August 4. starting at 9:00 A.M.
(Motorists are encouraged to reduce speed and be work zone alert)

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans bridge maintenance has scheduled a lane closure on southbound Interstate 680 at Benicia Bridge to conduct their biennial bridge inspection. The far left lane will be closed while the other three lanes will remain open for motorists to travel on.

The bridge is safe for motorists to travel on.

Caltrans area bridge maintenance engineer’s will be a under bridge inspecting truck to conduct their inspection during from Monday, August 1, to Thursday, August 4, during the hours of 9:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

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I-80 Six Bridges Project: Redwood St. Overcrossing at I-80 Vallejo anticipated to re-open Sept. 1

Date: August 30, 2022
District: Four – Oakland
Contact: Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 867-6028


I-80 Six Bridges Project:
Redwood St. Overcrossing at Interstate 80 in Vallejo anticipated to re-open on Thurs., Sept. 1, ahead of construction schedule

(Caltrans completes sixth and final bridge as part of the I-80 Six Bridge Project)

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans is anticipating on reopening Redwood St. overcrossing at Interstate 80 (I-80) in Vallejo on Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022 to the traveling public.

Crews were able to increase the vertical clearance to 16 feet, 6 inches to meet the federal standards.

Caltrans completed the I-80 Six Bridges Project ahead of schedule by three months, reducing the traffics impact to the residents of Vallejo and surrounding cities.

Some construction work remains to be done, such as landscaping, barrier rail work and lane striping.

Improvements on all six overcrossings include:
• Higher vertical clearance so modern trucks can pass underneath.
• Improved pedestrian walkways making them safer to cross.

Learn more about I-80 Six Bridges project on our Caltrans Bay Area webpage.
Project Webpage:

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



55 HR Closure-EB I-80 To SB I-680 Connector Starting 7/29

Date: July 27, 2022
District: Four – Oakland
Contact: Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 867-6028


REMINDER I-80/I-680/SR12 Interchange Project:
55 hr. closure of EB I-80 to SB I-680 connector starting Friday, July 29 starting at 10:00 P.M. until Monday, August 1 at 5:00 A.M.

(I-80 WB/EB to be closed from Red Top Road to I-680 connector ramp)

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans has scheduled 55 hour closure of the eastbound Interstate 80 to southbound Interstate 680 connector in Fairfield starting on Friday, July 29 starting at 10:00 P.M. until Monday, August 1 at 5:00 A.M.

Caltrans encourages motorists to continue on EB I-80 past the SB I-680 connector exit, take the EB I-80 at Chadbourne Rd. exit, turn a left onto Chadbourne Rd., continue on Chadbourne Rd., take a left onto WB I-80, merge onto WB I-80 and take SB I-680 exit.

SR-12 EB Overnight Closure at Red Top Rd:
For the safety of workers and motorists, an overnight closure of EB SR-12 will be starting on Friday, July 29, at 10:00 P.M. until Saturday, July 30, at 8:00 A.M.
Traffic will be detoured to Red Top Rd.

On Monday, Aug. 1, the new SB I-680 connector ramps from EB SR-12 and EB I-80 will be open to traffic.

Detour signs will be posted.

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



Pavement Repair Closures Aug. 14-19 WB SR-37 between Vallejo & SR-121

Date: July 29, 2022
District: Four – Oakland
Contact: Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 867-6028


Night Closures of Westbound State Route 37 between Vallejo
And State Route 121 for Pavement Repairs
Closures occur 8:00 PM – 4:00 AM, Sunday, August, 14 – Friday, August 19

SOLANO COUNTY – As part of a pavement rehabilitation project, Caltrans will close westbound State Route 37 (SR-37) between Walnut Avenue in Vallejo and State Route 121 (SR-121) at Sears Point in Sonoma County for five consecutive nights beginning Sunday, August 14. from 8:00 PM – 4:00 AM. Work will conclude by 4:00 AM, Friday, August 19, 2022.

The eight-hour nightly closures will allow workers to repair deteriorated pavement and shoulders on a six-mile stretch of westbound SR-37 between Walnut Avenue and Skaggs Island Road.

Eastbound SR-37 will not be affected.

During the closures, the ramp from Walnut Avenue/Railroad Avenue interchange leading to westbound SR-37 will be closed; however, the remaining ramps will stay open.

The closure will not affect traffic traveling on SR-121 to eastbound or westbound SR-37.

Traffic that would be traveling on westbound SR-37 during the closure will detour to northbound SR-29, then connect to westbound SR-12, and finally take SR-121 to connect to westbound SR-37. (See detour map.)

Due to its location atop marshy soil, Caltrans monitors pavement conditions on SR-37, keeping an eye out for cracking and potholes that might portend future problems.

After a recent assessment, Caltrans determined that a pavement rehabilitation project should occur before the wet weather arrives this fall, causing further deterioration and making repairs more difficult. SB-1 funds will be used to make these necessary road repairs.

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit


You can also get real-time information on all State Highways in California on our Caltrans Quick Map:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



Opportunity for Public Comment

The STA has released the DRAFT Solano Countywide Electrification Transition Plan for a 60-day public comment period.

The Plan is meant to be used as a guiding document to define the need, propose a transition timeframe, and provide a year-by-year summary of proposed changes.  This can be used by transit operators, and STA alike, to define upcoming needs and apply for the funding necessary to accommodate Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) fleets.

To view the DRAFT Solano Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Plan, click HERE.

To view the DRAFT Solano Countywide Transit Electrification Transition Appendices, click HERE.

Solano Rail Hub Advanced Planning Study 2022

In January 2021, the STA Board officially designated the Suisun-Fairfield Station as the Solano Rail Hub. In February 2021, the STA, in partnership with the cities of Suisun City and Fairfield, the County of Solano and the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, began the process of developing a Project Study Report to detail the design layout of the station and associated facilities. This report documents the initial findings from Phase I of the PSR process and outlines the next steps for the Phase II study.

To view the Solano Rail Hub Advanced Planning Study 2022, click HERE.

Please contact Associate Planner Kathrina Gregana at with any questions or concerns.

I-80 Six Bridges Project: Overnight Closure between I-780 & SR37 in Vallejo

Date: July 12, 2022
District: Four – Oakland
Contact: Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 867-6028


I-80 Six Bridges Project:
I-80 Overnight Highway Closure Between I-780 and State Route 37 in
EB I-80 Thursday, July 21, 2022 from 11:59 PM to 5:00 AM
WB I-80 Friday, July 22, 2022 from 11:59 PM to 5:00 AM

(I-80 WB/EB to be closed from Red Top Road to I-680 connector ramp)

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans has scheduled a full overnight closure of eastbound Interstate 80 in Vallejo on
Thursday, July 21, 2022 from 11:59 PM until 5:00 AM on Friday, July 22, 2022, and a full overnight closure of westbound Interstate 80 in Vallejo
on Friday, July 22, 2022 from 11:59 PM until 5:00 AM Saturday, July 23, crews will be working on lowering the bridge spans on Redwood
Street overcrossing (Location No. 6 on the map).

I-80 will be completely closed in one direction at a time for two consecutive nights as crews work on Redwood Street overcrossing.

A detour will be in place.

During the I-80 closure times, eastbound or westbound I-80 on ramps in Vallejo will be closed as needed to facilitate the work safely.

Detour signs will be posted.

WB/EB I-80 Detours:
Motorists traveling eastbound on I-80 will need to access I-780 to State Route 29
to State Route 37 back onto EB I-80. Motorists traveling westbound on I-80 will
need to take State Route 37 to State Route 29 to I-780 to WB I-80.


Phone Number: (415) 263-4000
A 24-hr shuttle service will be available for pedestrians and bicyclists who need to safely cross Redwood Street overcrossing. One shuttle stop will be located on each side of the bridge.

If you have a question or want to share a concern about the project please call the I-80 Six Bridges project hotline (510) 867-6028.

The hotline has been set up for the traveling public and residents living in Vallejo to learn about the most up to date information about the project.

You can also learn more about I-80 Six Bridges project on our Caltrans Bay Area webpage.

Project Webpage:

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



Solano Countywide Active Transportation Plan – Projects List Amendment 2022

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) serves as STA’s primary long range planning document that guides and prioritizes the STA’s investments in transportation. An element of the CTP is the Active Transportation Element, which guides STA’s investment in bike and pedestrian related projects and programs. The STA Board adopted the Solano ATP in April of 2020.

In May 2022, the STA amended the original plan to include additional new projects submitted by each individual jurisdiction. There were 39 new projects in total added to the ATP – included as Attachment A. Additionally, the amendment adds the countywide SR2S projects list to the ATP projects list, establishing consistency between both documents.

This ATP amendment was adopted by the STA Board at their meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.

To view the Solano County Active Transportation Plan-Projects List Amendment 2022, click HERE.

To view the full 2020 Solano County Active Transportation Plan, click HERE  (the ATP amendment is included as Appendix E).

Please contact Assistant Planner Kathrina Gregana at with any questions or concerns.

I-80 Six Bridges Project: Overnight Closure at I-780 & SR37 in Vallejo

Date: June 10, 2022
District: Four – Oakland
Contact: Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 867-6028


I-80 Six Bridges Project:
I-80 Overnight Highway Closure Between I-780 and State Route 37 in Vallejo:
WB I-80 Sunday, June 19, 2022 from 11:00 PM to 4:00 AM
EB I-80 Monday, June 20, 2022 from 11:59 PM to 5:00 AM

(I-80 WB/EB to be closed from Red Top Road to I-680 connector ramp)

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans has scheduled a full overnight closure of westbound Interstate 80 in Vallejo on Sunday, June 19, 2022 from 11:00 PM until 4:00 AM on Monday, June 20, 2022, and a full overnight closure of eastbound Interstate 80 in Vallejo on Monday, June 20, 2022 from 11:59 PM until 5:00 AM Tuesday, June 21, crews will be working on the vertical clearance on Redwood Street overcrossing (Location No. 6 on the map).

I-80 will be completely closed in one direction at a time for two consecutive nights to raise the bridge spans on Redwood Street overcrossing. A detour will be in place.

During the I-80 closure times, eastbound or westbound I-80 on ramps in Vallejo will be closed as needed to facilitate the work safely.

Detour signs will be posted.

WB/EB I-80 Detours:
Motorists traveling eastbound on I-80 will need to access I-780 to State Route 29 to State Route 37 back onto EB I-80. Motorists traveling westbound on I-80 will need to take State Route 37 to State Route 29 to I-780 to WB I-80.

Phone Number: (415) 263-4000
A 24-hr shuttle service will be available for pedestrians and bicyclists who need to safely cross Redwood Street overcrossing. One shuttle stop will be located on each side of the bridge.

If you have a question or want to share a concern about the project please call the I-80 Six Bridges project hotline (510) 867-6028.

The hotline has been set up for the traveling public and residents living in Vallejo to learn about the most up to date information about the project.

You can also learn more about I-80 Six Bridges project on our Caltrans Bay Area webpage.

Project Webpage:

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:

