Equity Chapter Workshops
June 1, 2019
The STA Board established an Equity Working Group in recognition of the connection between housing, healthcare, income, and mobility access in the context of transportation equity. The Equity Working Group will guide the development of the Transportation Equity Chapter of the Solano Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
Workshops are scheduled to discuss the following DRAFT Transportation Equity Guiding Principles:
- STA works in partnership with local, regional, and state governments and our whole community to provide and maintain a safe, innovative, equitable multi-modal transportation system in Solano County.
- STA seeks to advance a just, healthy, and prosperous quality of life in all Solano County communities while addressing transportation and diverse mobility needs of our residents, businesses, and visitors.
- STA values and commits to meaningful participation of Solano County’s vulnerable populations in all aspects of mobility planning and infrastructure to ensure that disadvantaged communities unique and unmet needs are prioritized.
- STA supports locally-decided land uses that stimulate economic opportunity and produce affordable housing in proximity to downtowns, public rail stations, and along major bus service corridors, in conjunction with acting to protect Solano County’s key agricultural and open space areas.
- STA routinely measures, evaluates, and clearly presents transportation performance results for public review to insure that its policies, plans, and budgets are fair, effective, and reflect community-focused priorities of Solano County residents and businesses.
For more information on the STA’s Equity Working Group, please contact Planning Assistant, Triana Crighton at tcrighton@sta.ca.gov or call 707-424-6075.
Click here to view the Equity Chapter Workshops Flyer
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