PROJECTS I-80/I-680/SR-12 Interchange Project: Package 2

This component of the regionally significant Interchange project would construct a new connector from Eastbound SR 12 to the Eastbound I-80 connector and Green Valley Road braided ramps. The existing eastbound SR 12W to eastbound I-80 connector will be removed and a new two-lane highway alignment and bridge structure will be constructed and designed to accommodate a future connector to southbound I-680. Together, these improvements represent a concerted effort to alleviate congestion and increase safety on this corridor.

Package 2A is the second of seven packages improving the distribution of three major freeway movements at this interchange by reconfiguring the ramps and access to local streets. The project is majority-funded with Senate Bill 1 (SB1) Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) funds. It is also funded with State Transportation Improvement Program-Regional Improvement Program(STIP-RIP) funds as well as local Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) Bridge Toll Funds. The project will benefit motorists and the local community by improving travel times, reducing cut-through traffic on local streets, and enhance safety and operational efficiency for motorists along the I-80/I-680/SR-12 Interchange linking the Bay Area, the Napa Valley, and Sacramento. Construction is expected to begin in late September 2020. Package 2A of this project was completed on Fall 2022.

For more information and updates on the I-80/I-680/SR-12 Interchange PKG 2A project, please visit the website at .

October 29, 2020

Package 2A of the I-80/I-680/SR12 Interchange Groundbreaking

August 21, 2018

Package 2A of the I-80/I-680/SR12 interchange was awarded $53,200,000 in Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP) funds through the California Transportation Commission.

The TCEP program was created with the passage of SB1 in February 2017 and is intended to improve freight and the overall movement of goods throughout the region. With these new funds, the STA in partnership with Caltrans will build a new 2 lane connector from SR12 EB to I-80 EB, eliminate the current weave from I-80 EB to I-680 SB, and create a new off-ramp to Green Valley Rd. Construction of Package 2A is expected to begin in Summer 2020.

June 22, 2017

Construction Package 2A was approved by the STA Board and added to the Long-Term Plan

Construction Package 2A was approved by the STA Board and added to the Long-Term Plan. With Package 1 nearing completion, each following Construction Package needs to compete for funding in a highly competitive funding environment. Therefore, Staff has developed a revised implementation plan to ensure that the Construction Package is competitive with other regionally significant projects in all upcoming potential calls for projects. Construction Package 2A is more closely tied directly to I-80 than Construction Package 2B (the I-680/Red Top Road Interchange) and connects two previous Prop 1B funded projects, ICP and Jameson Canyon widening projects.