PROJECTS I-80/I-680/SR-12 Interchange

This large infrastructure project will improve and widen the major freeways on the I-80 corridor as well as improving connectivity between regionally significant destinations. The I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange is a multi-year, multi-phase project is located in Solano County. The southwest project limits are near Fairfield’s Green Valley and Cordelia neighborhoods, the northeast project limits near Suisun City. Once completed, the project will improve safety and travel times, reducing cut-through traffic on local streets, and enhance safety by streamlining connections for motorists transitioning between these three major state routes linking the Bay Area, the Napa Valley, and Sacramento. Features include a realignment of I-680, an improved direct connector route between I-80 and Highway 12, construction of new interchange overcrossings, new entrance/exit ramps, bike and pedestrian safety improvements, and the extension of some local streets leading to I-80 and Highway 12. See the Updates tab for related Project Documents.