Comprehensive Transportation Plan – Land Use Chapter Update

The STA’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) for Solano County envisions, directs, and prioritizes the transportation needs of Solano County. The CTP incorporates various STA studies and plans into a 25-year planning document. The Land Use Chapter is currently available for 30-day public review and comment. Please send comments regarding the CTP Land Use Chapter to STA Assistant Planner, Triana Crighton,

To view the CTP Land Use Chapter, please click here. The deadline for the submission of public comments is May 10, 2020 at 4:59 PM.

Federal Stimulus Provides Short Term Funding for Transit & Shifts Focus to Infrastructure Projects

On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the $2 Trillion “Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act” that includes $25 billion to help the nation’s transit operators respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bay Area region’s share is projected to be $1.3 billion.

Transportation discussions in Washington DC have begun to focus on infrastructure as an opportunity to mitigate and stimulate the national economy which is reeling from the continued impacts of the COVID-19 disease. This has included identification of “Shovel Ready” projects. STA projects staff have developed a list of shovel ready transportation projects in preparation for this emerging discussion in Washington, DC, Sacramento, and at MTC. Click here to view the STA’s list of Shovel Ready projects.

COVID-19 Transit Updates

Please see announcements from the following Transit Operators:

Link to information about STA’s Temporary Lyft First/Last Mile Program Expansion

Link to Solano County Health Order

Link to Governor Newsom’s Stay at Home Order

This page will be updated when new information is released.

STA Office Closure

March 18, 2020

As you are well aware, recent events have compelled us to make adjustments to our daily routines. The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) is trying to limit the disruptions to public services while maintaining compliance with standard safety precautions. Your safety, and the safety of STA staff are of the utmost importance.

In response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic, the offices of the STA and the Solano Mobility Call Centers will be closed beginning Thursday, March 19, 2020 to Tuesday, March 31,  2020.  STA and Solano Mobility staff will be telecommuting and available by email or phone.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:

    • STA Main Line: (707) 424-6075
    • STA Main Email:
    • Solano Mobility: 800-535-6883

STA Announces Expansion of Lyft First/Last Mile Program in Response to COVID–19

Solano Transportation Authority Announces Expansion of Lyft First/Last Mile Program in Response to COVID–19

Suisun City, CA – In response to the shelter-in-place orders issued by Governor Gavin Newsom and the Solano County Office of Public Health, Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST) has reduced transit services, including the temporary elimination of Routes 2, 4, 5, and 8 (see FAST service advisory:

In order to support the mobility requirements of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers (such as healthcare workers and public safety employees), and to provide residents with transportation for essential tasks, such as traveling to medical appointments, picking up medial prescriptions, purchasing groceries, or ordering takeout meals, the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) is expanding the Lyft First/Last Mile Program to provide coverage for the eliminated FAST Routes, effective Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at noon.

The Lyft First/Last Mile Program provides 80% off Lyft rides up to $25 dollars to and from local transportation centers in Solano County. Commuters can use the Lyft First/Last Mile Program for travel to and from the Vallejo Ferry Terminal, the Suisun Fairfield Train Station, the Fairfield Vacaville Hannigan Train Station, and the Fairfield Transportation Center.

Additionally, to accommodate those traveling to perform essential tasks, travel to and from David Grant Medical Center, Travis Air Force Base (Main Entrance), FoodMaxx (Beck Ave), Smart and Final/Walmart (N. Texas St), and Green Valley Shopping Center (Green Valley Rd) will also qualify for the 80% off Lyft First/Last Mile Program.

To sign up for the Lyft First/Last Mile Program, visit or call 800-535-6883. Once signed up, participants will be notified as soon as ride discounts have been activated within their Lyft account. A smartphone with the Lyft app installed is required for participation.

Funding for this program is made possible with the assistance of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD):

 For more information or questions, please contact the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883 or visit the website at


Temporary Changes to Intercity Taxi Card (PEX) Program

March 18, 2020

To All Intercity Taxi Card (PEX) Users and Partners:

The safety of the public and all our partners is a top priority; therefore, due to the temporary office closures of the Solano Transportation Authority and the Solano Mobility In-Person Centers, effective March 19, 2020, the following program changes will be taking place:

    1. Solano Transportation Authority (STA) will continue processing purchases for PEX card funds over the phone by credit or debit card ONLY.
    2. To purchase Intercity Taxi Card (ITX) PEX funds by cash:
        1. Contact your local transit operator for hours or operation (see below for contact numbers)
        2. Funds purchased at your local transit operator will be added to your PEX card account within the current timeframes
    3. You will be able to use your PEX card up to your normal monthly limit as per your transit operator’s guidelines (see below)

Transit Operators:

Transit Operator Contact Phone Number Monthly Purchase Limit
Dixon Readi Ride 707-678-7000 $400
Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST) 707-422-2877 $400
Rio Vista Delta Breeze 707-374-2878 $800
SolTrans 707-648-4666 $600 (ITX)  and  $150 (Local)
Vacaville City Coach 707-449-6000 $500

Please contact the Solano Mobility Call Center with questions at 800-535-6883.

STA Transportation Equity Guiding Principles

Equity Working Group 3-12-19

STA Transportation Equity Guiding Principles

Approved by the STA Board on October 9th, 2019

The following Guiding Principles reflect STA’s commitment to the entire community in all of its activities. These Principles were developed by the Equity Work Group at their meetings on April 11, May 23, and October 9th, 2019.

1- STA works in partnership with local, regional, and state governments and our whole community to provide and maintain a safe, innovative, equitable multi-modal transportation system in Solano County.

2- STA seeks to advance a just, healthy, and prosperous quality of life in all Solano County communities while addressing transportation and the diverse mobility needs of our residents, businesses, and visitors.

3- STA values and commits to meaningful participation of Solano County’s vulnerable populations in all aspects of mobility and infrastructure planning to ensure that disadvantaged communities unique and unmet needs are prioritized.

4- STA supports locally-decided land uses that stimulate economic opportunity and produce affordable housing within a range of housing options with accessible connections for all, leading to downtowns, public rail stations, and along major bus service corridors, in conjunction with acting to protect Solano County’s key agricultural and open space areas.

5- STA routinely measures, evaluates, and clearly presents transportation performance results for public review to insure that its policies, plans, and budgets are fair, effective, and reflect community-focused priorities of Solano County residents and businesses.

The following key words were identified on April 11, 2019 by members of the Equity Working Group when considering essential elements for STA’s Guiding Principles:
• Transparency • Accountability • Inclusivity • Equity • Responsiveness • Participation • Engagement • Partnership • Vision/Visionary • Importance of Evaluation • Commitment
• Living Document • Accessibility • Empathy • People-Centric • Opportunity •
Clearly communicated • Communication • Include All • Safe • Respect • Process
• Location • Listening • Holistic • Comprehensive • Learning •
Acknowledge differences and sameness

Temporary Changes to In-Person ADA Evaluations

March 16, 2020

To All ADA Eligible Participants and Partners:

As you know, we are in a state of emergency to prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19.  The safety of the public and all of our partners is a top priority so, effective today, March 16, 2020, all Countywide In-Person ADA Evaluations will be temporarily replaced with an alternative paper and phone interview process.  This alternative process will be in effect through June 30, 2020.   You may contact CARE Evaluators with any questions regarding this process at 707-541-7184 or call me directly at 707-399-3231.

Thank you,
Debbie McQuilkin
Transit Mobility Coordinator

Vallejo Community Transportation Interactive Expo

The Transportation Forum is hosted by the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) in partnership with Solano County Transit (SolTrans) and the City of Vallejo. Vallejo residents are invited to provide their input. With your assistance, the STA, SolTrans, and the City of Vallejo will identify transportation challenges for travel within Vallejo and beyond. At the Transportation Forum, the STA and others will share progress on recent transportation projects and developing programs.

At this second Forum, projects to address transportation challenges will be presented for the public to vote on to prioritize funding. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has designated funding for transportation projects in Vallejo identified through this process. In addition, a Vallejo Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) will be prepared to address further improvements.

Let’s Keep Solano Kids Street Safe

In partnership with the California Office of Traffic Safety, Solano County Public Health, and the City of Suisun City, the Solano Transportation Authority’s Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program is providing this follow up opportunity to see what progress is being made to address pedestrian safety for the youth and residents of Solano County. 

Please click this LINK to register now