SR37 Pavement Project: 55 HR HWY Closures, Weekends 4/12 through 5/3

Date: Feb. 26, 2024
District: District 4-Oakland
Contact: Vince Jacala / Bart Ney
Phone: 510-385-7069 / 510-715-7212
Email: /

State Route-37 Solano Pavement Repair Project:
55 hr. Full Highway Closures on State Route-37 between State Route-29 (Vallejo) and State Route-121 (Sonoma)

Weekends of April 12, April 19, April 26, & May 3, 2024
Starts Friday, April 12 at 9:00 PM

Solano and Contra Costa Counties – Caltrans is scheduled to alternately close eastbound and westbound State Route 37 (SR-37) on four consecutive weekends starting the weekend of Friday, April 12, 2024. During the 55-hour weekend full highway closures, Caltrans will perform major pavement repair work on eastbound and westbound SR-37 between Solano and Sonoma counties. One traffic direction on SR-37 will be worked on at a time. Detours will be in effect. All work is weather dependent.

Weekend closure on WB SR-37 is scheduled on the weekend of April 12 & April 19. WB SR-37 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the WB SR-37 Connector Off-ramp to SR-29 in Vallejo.
Closures will start Friday April 12 at 9:00 PM. and conclude on the following Monday, April 15 at 4:00 AM.
The following weekend, closures will start Friday, April 19 at 9:00 PM and conclude the following Monday, April 22 at 4:00 AM.

Motorists traveling westbound on SR-37 will need to exit right onto northbound SR-29 (Sonoma Blvd) in Vallejo and continue on NB SR-29 (Broadway) in American Canyon to SR-29/SR-12; then turn left and continue on SR-12/SR-121 (Carneros Hwy/Fremont Dr); turn left on SR-121 (Arnold Drive) and make a right back onto WB SR-37.

EASTBOUND SR-37 FULL HIGHWAY CLOSURES AT SR-121 (Sonoma) to SR-29 (Vallejo) WEEKENDS OF April 26 and May 3:
Weekend closures on eastbound (EB) SR-37 is scheduled on the weekend of April 26 & May 3. EB SR-37 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the NB SR-121 (Sears Point) in Sonoma.
Closures will start Friday April 26 at 10:00 PM. and conclude on the following Monday April 29 at 5:00 AM.
The following weekend, closures will start Friday, May 3 at 10:00 PM and conclude on the following Monday, May 6 at 5:00 AM.

Motorists traveling eastbound on SR-37 will need to exit left onto northbound SR-121 in Sonoma; Make a right on SR-12/SR-121(Carneros Hwy) and continue; Right on SR-12/SR-29; Enter left for the connector loop Off-ramp back to EB SR-37.

Please note that all work is weather dependent. The weekends of May 3 and May 10, 2024 are scheduled as contingency if any scheduled work is delayed or postponed.

If you have a question or want to share a concern about the project, please call the SR-37 Pave Project Hotline (510) 286-0319.

You can also learn more about the SR-37 Paving Project on the Caltrans Bay Area project webpage at .

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit
For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:
Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



Solano RTIF Nexus Update Open for Public Comment

The Solano Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) Nexus Update includes projects recommended by members of each RTIF Working Group except for the Transit Working Group, which did not recommend a project.  The working groups initially met in October 2022 and subsequently in February 2023 to finalize the list of projects.

The final report is now available for a 30-day Public Comment period. Comments can be submitted below or emailed to

Please click HERE to view the 2023 Solano RTIF Nexus

EB I80 56HR Full Closure on 7/21, 8/4 & 8/18; WB I80 104HR Full Closure on 8/31-9/5

Date: July 7, 2023
District: District 4
Contact: Bart Ney/ Vince Jacala/ Pedro Quintana
Phone: (510) 715-7212 /(510) 385-7069/ (510) 867-6028

I-80 Contra Costa Paving Project:
56 hr. Full Highway Closure on EB I-80 between State Route 4 (Hercules) and Cummings Skway (Crockett)
Weekends of July 21, August 4, and August 18

104 hr. Full Highway Closure on WB I-80 between I-780 (Vallejo) and State Route 4 (Hercules)
Labor Day Weekend, August 31- Sept. 5

Contra Costa County –  Caltrans is scheduled to close eastbound and westbound Interstate 80 (I-80) on four different summer weekends between mid-July 2023 and early September 2023. During the 56-hour weekend and 104-hour holiday full highway closures, Caltrans will perform major pavement repair work on eastbound and westbound I-80 in Contra Costa County. One traffic direction on I-80 will be worked on at a time. Detours will be in effect. All work is weather dependent.

Three weekend closures on EB I-80 are tentatively scheduled on the weekends of July 21, August 4, and August 18. EB I-80 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the EB I-80/SR-4 interchange in Hercules. Closures will start Fridays after 9 P.M. and conclude on the following Mondays no later than 5 A.M.

A 104-hour full highway closure of westbound I-80 is scheduled on Labor Day weekend starting Thursday, August 31 at 9 P.M. and concluding no later than 5 A.M. on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. WB I-80 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the WB I-80/I-780 interchange in Vallejo.

Motorists traveling eastbound on I-80 will need to exit onto eastbound SR-4 in Hercules and continue on EB SR-4 to NB I-680. Motorists can use NB I-680 to reach I-80 in Fairfield or use WB I-780 to access the Benicia and Vallejo areas. Cummings Skyway between SR-4 and I-80 will also be open for motorists heading to the Crockett area.

Motorists traveling westbound on I-80 at I-780 (Curtola Pkwy) will need to exit onto eastbound I-780 in Vallejo and continue EB I-780 to SB I-680. Motorists can use SB I-680 to reach WB SR-4, WB SR-24 or WB I-580 to access central and south Bay Area destinations.

If you have a question or want to share a concern about the project, please call the CC I-80 Pave Project Hotline (510) 286-0319.

The hotline has been set up for the traveling public and residents living in Contra Costa and Solano Counties to share any questions or concerns and learn about the most up to date information about the project.

You can also learn more about the CC I-80 Pave Project on our Caltrans Bay Area webpage.

Project Webpage:

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



I80 & SR29 Connector in Vallejo, Night Lane Closures Fri. 6/9 at 10PM

Date: June 6, 2023
District: District 4
Contact: Hector Chinchilla
Phone: (510) 421-8040

Interstate 80 and State Route 29 Connector near The Carquinez Bridge in Vallejo
Nighttime Various Lane Closures and Lane re-configuration

SOLANO COUNTY –  Caltrans has scheduled night lane closures along Interstate 80 (I-80) near the Carquinez Bridge in Vallejo starting on Friday, June 9 to allow crews to re-configure the movable concrete barriers also known as K-rails for the final stage of the construction project.

Crews will be working on EB/WB I-80 between The Carquinez Bridge toll plaza and Magazine Street during the following:

Friday, June 9 to Saturday, June 10, 2023

• Eastbound I-80 from The Carquinez Bridge Toll Plaza to Magazine Street Overcrossing
Various Lanes closed from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.

• Westbound I-80 from Magazine Street Overcrossing to the Carquinez Bridge Toll Plaza.
Various Lanes closed from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.

• Eastbound I-80 to Northbound SR-29 Off Ramp Connector will be closed.
Off-ramp connector closed from 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Please follow the detours

To ensure the safety of workers and motorists, Caltrans will need to close various lanes to complete the work.

At least one traffic lane will remain open at all times.

Once the work is completed, all existing lanes on Eastbound I-80 will be moved to the outer side of the freeway. Westbound I-80 lane configuration will remain the same. All of three lanes will remain open after the configuration.

Please drive with caution. Slow for the Cone Zone and Be Work Zone Alert.

Caltrans will update its Twitter page at on the latest highway conditions, and drivers are encouraged to check out Caltrans Quickmap


32-Hour SR37 Closure in Sonoma For Railroad Track Repair, 5/20–5/21

Date:  May 10, 2023
District: District 4
Contact: Jeff Weiss
Phone: (510) 715-8770

32-Hour Weekend Closure of State Route 37 in Sonoma
For Railroad Track Repair

Closure from Saturday, May 20, at 3:00 AM – Sunday, May 21, at 11:00 AM

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans in coordination with Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) has scheduled a closure of State Route 37 (SR-37) just east of State Route 121 (Arnold Drive) from Saturday, May 20, at 3:00 AM, until Sunday, May 21, at 11:00 AM, to allow SMART to repair a railroad crossing on the highway. The rails and subgrade need significant repairs due to wear and tear from decades of cars and trucks passing over.

Traffic will be detoured around the closures.

Eastbound traffic from Marin County may travel as far as SR-121 (Arnold Drive). Westbound traffic from Solano County can travel as far as Walnut Avenue in Vallejo before diverting onto city streets.

Detour details:
• Motorists heading westbound will take Highway 29 to Highway 12, then take Highway 121/Arnold Drive to Highway 37.
• Motorists heading eastbound will take Highway 121/Arnold Drive to Highway 12, then Highway 29 to Highway 37. Westbound drivers may also continue on Highway 12 to Interstate 80.

Work crews will place detour signs and electronic message signs along Highway 29, Highway 12, Highway 121/Arnold Drive, and Highway 37 approximately two weeks before the road closure.

For more information on the SMART track replacement project go to:
Or contract: Matt Stevens:


Lane Closures EB I80 Carquinez Bridge & EB I80 to NB SR29 Off-Ramp, 3 Nights starting 5/17

Date:  May 17, 2023
District: District 4
Contact: Hector Chinchilla
Phone: (510) 421-8040

Eastbound I-80 Carquinez Bridge-
Nightly Lane Closures from the Toll Plaza to the Sequoia Offramp
in Vallejo
Three Consecutive Nights
Staring Wednesday, May 17th, 2023,
from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Due to Paving Work

Eastbound I-80 to Northbound SR-29 Off-ramp Connector
Nightly Closure in Vallejo
Three Consecutive Nights
Staring Wednesday, May 17th, 2023,
from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Due to Paving Work

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans will be closing Lanes on Eastbound I-80 in Vallejo from the Toll Plaza to the Sequoia Offramp and the Eastbound I-80 to Northbound SR-29 off-ramp connector in Vallejo for paving work for three consecutive nights from Wednesday night, May 17th to Saturday morning, May 20th, 2023.

For worker and public safety, crews will need to close multiple lanes on EB I-80 between 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and the off-ramp connector between 10:00p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

For 24/7 traffic updates, please visit

For real-time information, please visit Caltrans QuickMap:

Or follow Caltrans on Twitter at:



Update: Nightly Closures of Lane No.2 on SB I-680 Lane Closure Fairfield

Date: April 24, 2023
District: District 4
Contact: Hector Chinchilla
Phone: (510) 421-8040

Update: Nightly Closures of Lane No.2 on Southbound Interstate-680- Fairfield
One of Two Traffic Lanes Closure will be in effect at night from 5:00 P.M. to 5 A.M.
starting Monday, April 24th, to Friday, April 28th and continue Monday, May 1st to Friday May 5th.
Due to Slide Repair Work-Expect Delays

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans will keep one lane closure on southbound Interstate-680 (I-680) near the Gold Hill Road exit from 5:00pm to 5:00am starting on Monday, April 24th, to Friday, April 28th 2023 and continue Monday, May 1st to Friday May 5th.

Crews will continue to perform slide repair work along the right slope of I-680 which suffered storm damage during the past weeks.

The schedule and any potential closures needed for this work will be communicated to the public as soon as they become available. Work is weather and schedule permitting.

Be Work Zone Alert and expect travel delays.

Caltrans will update its Twitter page at on the latest highway conditions, and drivers are encouraged to check out Caltrans Quickmap

Motorists can also receive 24/7 highway condition information statewide by
calling 1-800-427-ROAD or 1-800-427-7623.

Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain our state’s highways, bridges and tunnels.


EB/WB I-80 Ramp & Lane Closures at Travis Blvd and Air Base Parkway exits in Fairfield

Date:       April 14th, 2023
District:   District 4
Contact:  Hector Chinchilla
Phone: (510) 421-8040
Lane & Ramp Closures on I-80 Travis Blvd and Air Base Parkway exits in Fairfield, Solano County.

Ramp closures will occur overnight starting Sunday, April 16th to Thursday April 20th.

Due to enclosure installations around the bridges’ abutments.

 SOLANO COUNTY- Caltrans will have various off-ramp, on-ramp, and lane night closures on I-80, at Travis Blvd and Air Base Parkway Exits in Fairfield starting Sunday, April 16th to Thursday April 20th. Crews will be installing an expanded metal enclosure around the bridge’s abutments.

Sunday to Monday

11:00 P.M to 5:00 A.M.

  • Eastbound I-80 Lane Closed at Air Base Parkway exit

10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.

  • Eastbound I-80 Lane Closure at Air Base Parkway Exit
  • Eastbound I-80 Off-ramp closure at Travis Blvd Exit
  • Westbound I-80 On-ramp closure at Travis Blvd Exit

Tuesday to Wednesday

9:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M.

  • Westbound I-80 Off-ramp closure at Air Base Parkway Exit
  • Eastbound I-80 On-ramp closure at Air Base Parkway Exit


10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.

  • Eastbound I-80 On-ramp closure at Air Base Parkway Exit

Motorist are advised to use alternative routes and expect delays.

Be Work Zone Alert and expect travel delays.

Caltrans will update its Twitter page at on the latest highway conditions, and drivers are encouraged to check out Caltrans Quickmap

Motorists can also receive 24/7 highway condition information statewide by

calling 1-800-427-ROAD or 1-800-427-7623.

Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain our state’s highways, bridges, and tunnels. ###

| | #BeWorkZoneAlert | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube |

SB I-680 Fairfield: 1 Lane Closed-5 Nights-Starts April 3 Due to Slide Repair

Date: March 31, 2023
District: District 4
Contact: Vince Jacala/ Hector Chinchilla
Phone: (510) 385-7069/(510) 421-8040

Southbound Interstate-680- Fairfield
One of Two Traffic Lanes Closed- 5 Consecutive Nights
Starts Monday, April 3, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Due to Slide Repair Work-Expect Delays

SOLANO COUNTY – Caltrans is scheduled to close one of two traffic lanes on southbound Interstate-680 (I-680) near the Gold Hill Road exit in Fairfield for five consecutive nights starting on Monday, April 3 at 5:00 PM.

Crews will perform slide repair work along the right slope of I-680 which suffered storm damage last week.

The far-right traffic lane on southbound I-680 will be closed each night starting Monday, April 3 until Friday, April 7. Each night Monday through Friday, the lane closure will go into effect starting at 5:00 PM until 5:00 AM the next morning.

All work is scheduled to be completed by Saturday, April 8 at 5:00 AM. Work is weather and schedule permitting. Be Work Zone Alert and expect travel delays.

Caltrans will update its Twitter page at on the latest highway conditions, and drivers are encouraged to check out Caltrans Quickmap

Motorists can also receive 24/7 highway condition information statewide by
calling 1-800-427-ROAD or 1-800-427-7623.

Thank you for your patience as we work to maintain our state’s highways, bridges and tunnels.
