Based on the needs and feedback from cities and schools for small-scale project support, the Solano SR2S Program has received approval from the STA Board to pilot a SR2S Micro-Grant Program to begin in fiscal year 2019-2020. The funds awarded through this program will support small-scale projects or capital purchases that encourage bike and pedestrian usage and improve bike and pedestrian safety around Solano County schools. The SR2S Micro-Grant Pilot Program will be funded through Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds, air district grants and High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) fines.
This grant opportunity is open to all Solano County cities, schools, school districts, community organizations and youth groups. Projects could include (but are not limited to): purchasing and installing bike racks and safety-related signage; providing safety equipment (bike helmets, vests, reflectors); creating green bike lanes or making other infrastructure improvements at/around schools.
For more information or to apply, please click here.
Have additional questions or comments on the Solano Safe Routes to School Micro-Grant Cycle 2 Opening Soon?
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