
Planning Team

Robert Guerrero
Deputy Executive Director/Director of Planning
Phone: 707-399-3211
Email: rguerrero@sta.ca.gov  

Kathrina Gregana
Associate Planner
Phone: 707-399-3230
Email: kgregana@sta.ca.gov  

Dulce Jimenez
Assistant Planner
Phone: 707-399-3214
Email: djimenez@sta.ca.gov  

Neil Quintanilla
Marketing Assistant
Phone: 707-399-3220
Email: nquintanilla@sta.ca.gov

Francesca Cotroneo
Student Intern
Email: fcotroneo@sta.ca.gov

The STA Strategic Planning Department is responsible for preparing and implementing a wide variety of short and long range transportation and land use plans for Solano County and its member agencies. These include the Solano Comprehensive Transportation Plan, Priority Development Area and Priority Conservation Area Plans, Congestion Management Plan, Active Transportation Plan, Electric Vehicle Readiness Plans and Water Transit Study.  In addition, the STA Strategic Department is responsible for other important tasks for the agency, including:

  1. Monitoring transportation and land use legislation for the STA Board
  2. Maintaining the Solano Travel Demand Model
  3. Marketing the agency’s various programs and incentives and public outreach
  4. Monitoring and providing input on land use development projects
  5. Coordinating Geographical Information Systems (GIS) data collection and information sharing