Docs & Reports

Suisun City Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP)

Community Based Transportation Plans (CBTPs) are funded by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Bay Area’s Equity Priority Communities, which includes most of Suisun City. The concept of the CBTP was borne out of MTC’s Lifeline Transportation Network and environmental justice efforts nearly 20 years ago. While much has changed since the release of reports from those efforts, transportation challenges remain and may become more severe unless addressed with strategic planning alternatives. Foreseeable challenges to be addressed in this CBTP include changes in the transit landscape, continued effects from COVID-19, the growth of the over 75-year-old population at a faster rate than other age cohorts, and consistently meeting mobility and accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. In addition to people with disabilities, older adults, and low-income populations, other populations included in the Equity Priority Communities, such as people of color and zero vehicle households are incorporated as primary targets of the mobility strategies in this study.

PDF Suisun City CBTP Final Plan
PDF Suisun City CBTP Final Plan Appendices

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