Notice of Construction, City of Suisun City: 8/26/24 – 9/3/24

Notice of Construction

Road work constructions will be taking place on Suisun St. on 8/26/24 to 9/3/24. The attached map shows the area that will be closed off to complete the work. Common St & Suisun St south of the work zone will be 2-way traffic ways for the date of 8/26/24 to 9/3/24. This will mean no shoulder parking will be allowed for 8/26/24 to 9/3/24 to allow for 2-way traffic. If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to reach the contractor at 707-249-2755.


Solano County Collaborative Regional Housing Element Meetings

The Solano County Housing Element Collaborative, comprised of the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, Vallejo, and the County of Solano, invites you to participate in a virtual workshop to discuss the findings of the joint Housing Needs Assessment of the Regional Housing Element. Following the community meetings held on January 26th and 27th, the Collaborative conducted an analysis of demographic, economic, and housing trends in each jurisdiction. The workshops being held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 11:30am and 6:00pm, will provide a summary of this analysis and discuss additional topics guided by your input.

Please join us to learn more about this section of the Housing Element, provide feedback on specific needs, and share your insights on how housing opportunities can be improved locally and on a regional level.

These meetings will be interactive and conducted online. Meeting participants can join by desktop, tablet, and phone. Please register for one of the meetings at the Eventbrite link below to receive further information about how to join. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register for one of the virtual meetings:
March 30 from 11:30am-1:00pm:
March 30 from 6:00pm-7:30pm:

For additional information about the Regional Housing Element, and to participate in the community survey, please visit the Collaborative’s website here:

SolanoExpress Health and Safety Plan & Transit Updates on COVID 19 Safety Protocols

As part of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC’s) Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force recent efforts, MTC recently released a health and safety plan collectively developed by the region’s public transit operators. This Plan provides the drivers and riders with a consistent health and safety plan for the region’s 25 plus transit operators, including the five transit operators that provide service in Solano County, to strengthen trust in riding public transportation (Solano County Transit/SolTrans, Fairfield and Suisun Transit/FAST, Vacaville City Coach, Dixon Readi-Ride, Rio Vista Delta Breeze). These commitments are also based on information from the California Department of Public Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization. The implementation of mitigation steps is based on best practices from peer agencies across the globe. MTC has requested that all of the region’s transit operators adopt “The Riding Together, Health and Safety Plan.”

Listed below are eight safety measures that have been layered together to reduce the likelihood that an individual would contract COVID-19 while riding on SolanoExpress:

  1. Face Coverings
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19 and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others (CDC 2020a). With this in mind, face covering became mandatory for all SolanoExpress riders starting June 15, 2020.
  2. Physical Distancing
    COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person, between people who are in close contact with each other and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks (CDC 2020b). To promote physical distancing, SolanoExpress buses will allow no more than 20 to 24 riders per bus.
  3. Hand Hygiene
    Good hand hygiene can help slow the spread of COVID-19. This includes washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol (CDC 2020a). Hand sanitizer is available for both bus operators and riders.
  4. A Quiet Ride Campaign
    Droplets expelled through talking, singing, and other verbal activities are known to contribute to virus dispersion (CNN 2020; NEJM 2020). SolanoExpress operators will temporarily adopt the “Quiet Ride” communication campaign, requesting passengers minimize talking, singing or other verbal activities while riding public transportation to slow the spread of COVID-19. Necessary verbal activities, such as requesting a stop, are not precluded.
  5. Vehicle and Facility Conditions-Ventilation
    Increased air flow can provide for a healthier environment for transit customers and employees (CDC 2020e; APTA 2020a). SolanoExpress doors are frequently opened to allow passengers to board or exit as well as windows that open, allowing additional ventilation. Where feasible, public transportation providers will increase ventilation and air filtration on vehicles and in facilities.
  6. Touchless Fares
    Reducing cash fare payments reduces touch and disease transmittal potential and can reduce the need for face-to-face transactions. SolanoExpress operators are promoting touchless fare payment through Token Transit and Clipper.
  7. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    Employees will wear the combination of PPE defined for their job requirements to safeguard themselves and others while in the work environment. STA and SolanoExpress bus operators have been issued PPE which they’re required to use while working. Moreover, driver barriers are being explored and will be installed when the materials are available.
  8. Infected Employees/contract tracing
    SolanoExpress contractors will track employees that access transit facilities or equipment, as feasible. If an employee reports an infection, or possible contact with an infected person, SolanoExpress contractors will document and maintain records of what other employees may have come into contact with the exposed or infected employee and notify other employees. SolanoExpress contractors will report any confirmed infections to the Solano County Public Health Department.

The STA Board unanimously approved the Plan for Solano Express service at their September 9th Board meeting. The adherence to the above eight safety measures will be reported out monthly to MTC for SolanoExpress, along with all bay area transit operators, demonstrating alignment with the baseline health measures set forth in the Riding Together: Bay Area Healthy Transit Plan. Read the full plan at

STA Transportation Equity Chapter

As part of STA’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan, STA worked with consulting firm Alta Planning + Design and the Equity Working Group (compromised of Mayors, District Supervisors, and local residents) to create the Transportation Equity Chapter. The chapter introduced our newly developed and adopted Transportation Equity Guiding Principles and explores the issues of equity unique to Solano County.

View the STA’s Transportation Equity Guiding Principles here

Click here to view the Transportation Equity Chapter.

Please contact Planning Assistant Kathrina Gregana at with any questions or concerns.

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Service Changes to SolanoExpress Routes

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on June 10th, at 6 p.m. the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) Board will conduct a virtual public hearing via Zoom (log in information will be provided on the agenda cover to be posted on STA’s website one week prior to the meeting) in order to implement the SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan. The public hearing will provide information on the increased service to SolanoExpress and the restoration of passenger fare collection. SolanoExpress is a four-route transit system that is managed by the STA. The SolanoExpress lines that will be impacted include the following routes: Blue, GreenExpress, and the Yellow Line.

STA is proposing the SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan. The SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan will increase the overall service hours to the SolanoExpress transit system, allowing for more frequent travel opportunities for riders. The SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan will be implemented on July 5, 2020 by Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST), as well as, Solano County Transit (SolTrans) who operate SolanoExpress and generally restores service span, frequency, and coverage. Moreover, the collection of passenger fares will be reinstated on June 15, 2020.

Interested parties may provide input on the proposed SolanoExpress Partial Service Restoration Plan by submitting written comments and/or speaking at the public hearing.

Please submit comments by mail or in person to: Solano Transportation Authority, One Harbor Center, Suite 130, Suisun City, CA 94585; fax to (707) 424-6074; call (707) 399-3231; or by email to Brandon Thomson at

Details on the proposed SolanoExpress Service Restoration Plan may be obtained online at or by calling the Solano Mobility Call Center at 800-535-6883.

To view the full press release, click here. En Español aquí


Notice of Solano Mobility Options for Commuters Returning To Work

Suisun City, CA – As Solano County enters Stage 2 of California Resilience Roadmap for Reopening, the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) is continues to service the public’s mobility and transit needs through the Solano Mobility Call Center, which has continued to receive an average of 100 calls per week. Customer Service Representatives are working remotely and can be reached online at and by calling 800-535-6883.

Commuters and essential workers can also contact Solano Mobility to sign up for the First/Last Mile Program, which provides an 80% discount (up to $25 off) on Lyft rides to and from major transit hubs within Solano County.

STA is also working with our regional and local transit partners to safely restore service to the SolanoExpress Blue, Green, Red and Yellow Lines.

For more information on these Solano Mobility options for commuters returning to work, including new SolanoExpress safety protocols and information on the restoration of fares and service, please read the press release by clicking here.

For up to date information, please visit the Solano Mobility website at and visit the local transit agencies’ website for your community.

Comprehensive Transportation Plan – Land Use Chapter

The STA’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) for Solano County envisions, directs, and prioritizes the transportation needs of Solano County. The CTP incorporates various STA studies and plans into a 25-year planning document. This section presents the land use plans, policies, and programs that will support the infrastructure and transportation investments in the CTP. It incorporates information from the 2019 Solano Housing Summit, interviews with landowners and developers, UC Berkeley research on regional housing issues, and the Solano EDC’s Moving Solano Forward Report.

To view the CTP Land Use Chapter, please click here.

TFCA County Program Manager Funds Application FY 2020-21 *DEADLINE EXTENDED*

For the FY 2020-21 Cycle, an estimated total of $128,801 will be available for clean air projects (see attached application for more details on funding availability). Southwestern portions of Solano County are eligible to apply for these funds. This air basin includes the cities of Benicia, Fairfield, Suisun City, and Vallejo, as well as the surrounding unincorporated areas.

Eligible TFCA projects are those that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles, such as clean air vehicles and infrastructure, carpools/vanpools, shuttle bus services, bicycle projects, and alternative mode promotional/educational projects.

The Call for Projects deadline is Friday, March 20th, 2020 by 4:59PM extended to Monday, April 20th, 2020 by 4:59PM. Click here to download the application. Contact Assistant Planner Triana Crighton ( for any questions.

STA Active Transportation Plan

In the May board meeting, the STA Board approved the final draft of the Solano Active Transportation Element (Plan), an element of the County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). This Plan focuses on the Solano County’s bike and pedestrian network and was partially funded by a grant provided from Caltrans.  The Plan builds upon previous active transportation planning efforts and consolidates STA’s separate Countywide Bicycle, Pedestrian, Safe Routes to School, and Safe Routes to Transit Plans into one cohesive Plan. It establishes countywide priorities and provides project lists and program guidance which STA and local jurisdictions can use to help people of all ages and abilities feel comfortable walking and bicycling.

Please contact Planning Assistant Brent Rosenwald at with any questions or concerns.

Notice of Public Hearing on Service Changes to SolanoExpress Routes 80 & 85

On June 12, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the City of Suisun City Council Chambers, 701 Civic Center Boulevard, Suisun City, California, the Solano Transportation Authority Board of Directors will hold a public hearing to consider proposed service changes to SolanoExpress Routes 80 and 85.

The proposed changes are available for public review at the Solano Transportation Authority Office, One Harbor Center, Suite 130, Suisun City, CA during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday and on SolanoExpress’ website at

Interested parties may provide input on the proposed changes by submitting written comments and/or speaking at the public hearing. Submit comments by mail to Solano Transportation Authority, One Harbor Center, Suite 130, Suisun City, CA 94585, by fax to (707) 424-6074, by email to, in person or by phone to STA Transit Mobility Coordinator Brandon Thomson at (707) 399-3234. Written comments must be received no later than the close of the public hearing.

Please view full Public Notice HERE

Click Here to view Proposed Red Line Weekday and Weekend Service