Solano Mobility Study

P 2 p Solano Transportation Authority Executive Summary Nevertheless, there was recognition by those driving that their own driving will likely decrease with age and more mobility options will be needed. Many who participated in this study already rely on others, transit, paratransit and other programs and services for their mobility as their primary mode of transportation. At least 30% of the survey respondents in Fairfield, Vacaville, and Vallejo noted that they either no longer drive or never drove. Comprehensive community outreach was conducted to identify the mobility challenges. A Mobility Summit for Older Adults and People with Disabilities was held in each of Solano’s seven cities from April 2017 through May 2018. In October 2018 a countywide Mobility Summit for Older Adults and People with Disabilities was held. Additionally, six mini-Summits were held with key organizations that work with these populations. Two community focus groups were held in each city to gather in-depth information directly from older adults and people with disabilities. A User survey was distributed widely including through direct mail to many households with older adults. Community response was strong.The city Mobility Summits were attended by over 330 community members.Through the Mini-Summits, comments were received from more than 125 people in attendance.The community focus groups were attended by a combined total of 180 people. More than 2,200 User surveys were returned through the summer of 2018. While each city presented its own unique set of mobility challenges, common themes emerged, Traveling to Medical Appointments was identified as the top challenge in all seven cities throughout the county. Common in all cities with one exception, the second most common challenge was Traveling to Daily Activities. Traveling with a Disability 7 was highly ranked as well. A more specific issue raised in nearly every community was the issue of bus stops and stop amenities. The specifics varied by community but there was a common outcry for these improvements. 7 This included traveling with a mobility device (cane/walker, wheelchair), difficulty walking or standing for long, chronic illnesses, hear/sight impairments, cognitive disabilities, etc.