Solano Mobility Study

P 1 p Solano Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Executive Summary Executive Summary The Solano Transportation Authority (STA) undertook the Solano Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities to address the mobility needs of older adults and people with disabilities in Solano County. Older adults and people with disabilities are an important segment of Solano County’s population.These individuals need to be able to access community resources such as retail, medical, services, recreation, spiritual centers as well as to congregate with family and friends. By 2050 1 , people age 65 and older are expected to comprise 20% of the total U.S. population. In Solano County, adults age 65 and older are projected to exceed 20% of the population before 2030 2 . This will be nearly double the percentage of older adults countywide from just a few years ago. One Solano city, Rio Vista, already has one-third of its population over 65 years. STA undertook two previous studies (2004 and 2011) focusing on the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities.The number of older adults in Solano County has continued to grow since 2011 and is projected to grow significantly for years. Rates of disabilities increases with age.The STA determined it was time to update the transportation study 3 focusing on Older Adults and People with Disabilities. A great deal changed since the last study was completed. A number of recommended programs were implemented and the transportation environment changed dramatically. In addition, transit services changed and new types of services such as “shared mobility” and “micromobility” were introduced. Within the Bay Area, Solano has the highest percentage of veterans (7.5%) of all ages. Of those 65 and older, 25.8% are veterans 4 . Currently 11% of Solano’s general population has a disability 5 .The rate of disabilities increases with age; one-third of seniors have a disability. The majority of Solano adults 65 and older have a vehicle (95%) 6 .The majority who participated in this study drive themselves or are driven by a spouse as their primary mode of transportation. 1 October 2019 revised 2 MTC Plan Bay Area 2040 Projections 3 Similar to the previous plans, this Mobility Plan is intended to address issues in the near-term and also long-term (beyond 10 years) 4 American Community Survey/MTC Coordinated Plan 2018 5 Disabilities is a broad term covering a range of physical or cognitive impairments that may (or may not) affect mobility 6 American Community Survey/MTC Coordinated Plan 2018 | solanomobility