Solano Mobility Study

P 99 p Solano Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Ch7: Strategies u Rio Vista Delta Breeze transit service changes that align with the Daylight Savings Time changes. Add later service in months when it gets darker earlier in the evening. More options for those who are transit dependent. More mobility for those who restrict their driving to daylight hours which is likely to increase in 5-10 years. Alternative: if not an increase in fixed- route service, identify an alternative service (service on request, taxi, TNC, partnership, other) u Direct transit link between east Vacaville and east Fairfield: Create a fixed-route (or on- demand) service link between neighborhoods, transit hubs and major activity centers. Service would run along Peabody or Vanden Rd rather than I-80. Locations to connect would include the Fairfield/Vacaville train station, Travis AFB/David Grant Medical Center, Vacaville Transportation Center, Vaca Valley Hospital and medical offices.This could also serve existing east Vacaville neighborhoods and the projected development along Vanden Rd. in Fairfield. There are no Medium Term strategy proposals specifically for Benicia, Vallejo, Fairfield and Suisun City. SolTrans and FAST implemented local and intercity transit service changes in 2018 and 2019. In the next five years, countywide and statewide program changes could also significantly impact mobility for older adults in these cities. It will be important to evaluate those service and program changes individually and as a whole before recommending further strategies. The transportation environment will continue to change rapidly. STA and their partners will need to stay alert to the constant changes and opportunities and to learn from the experiences gained by others beyond the county. Public/private partnerships have developed in Solano and are likely to be the most cost-effective and customer-oriented avenues to implement mobility improvements in the future. More creative service models for transportation services have been implemented to serve specialized segments of the population and this is the direction in which to continue. In the future, the aging population will have an increasing comfort level with technology being used to a greater degree in transportation and mobility services. Advances in technology that could be used to deliver more personalized information and services are to be embraced. Countywide Update Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities within six years The Solano Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Transit and Rideshare Element policy 14 directs that a study be conducted focusing on transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities at least every six years.The transportation field is rapidly changing at the same time as there will be an increase in the percentage of older adults in Solano County. As people age, their rates of disabilities will increase. Newer and established programs and services may be evaluated. Advancements in technology related to services and communication may be incorporated. Community input will remain important to identify transportation challenges and opportunities. Long-term (Over 10 years) With rapidly evolving changes in transportation and potential for grand new options such as autonomous vehicles thrown into the mix at that point, it seems imprudent to plan too specifically beyond ten years for a specific segment of the population. More importantly, between now and then transportation planners and providers need to be adept