Solano Mobility Study

P 96 p Solano Transportation Authority Ch7: Strategies program to reach the increasing demand that this is unlikely to subside. Coordinate with local transit operators and their Travel Training programs. Build relationships with non-profit organizations that offer highly personalized transportation services Non-profits 2 provide highly personalized transportation services to older adults and people with disabilities thanks to volunteer drivers. Some, but not all, of these are supported with public funds. Increase efforts to build relationships with these existing, and potentially new, organizations to support their efforts. Each serve specific niches in terms of geography, distance, or type of disability or illness. Information sharing would be beneficial to backstop their efforts.They could also use support in terms of volunteer driver recruitment. ADA Services Customer Satisfaction Study Initiate a study of ADA eligible Solano residents and their travel patterns within and among ADA services (local and intercity taxi programs, paratransit, fixed-route, TNC programs, and other similar programs) to determine supply, demand and quality of travel for local, inter-city, and intercounty trips. Collect quantitative and qualitative information. How well are existing ADA services meeting the mobility needs for ADA eligible Solano residents? What has been the impact on mobility with the implementation of the developing “Access for All”TNC program? Are there opportunities for improvement in terms of operational or customer service, funding, information, promotion, and other areas. Veterans Mobility Study The purpose of this study would be to identify and address the unique mobility challenges of Solano veterans focusing primarily on access to medical appointments at VA facilities. Engage a stakeholder group with veterans’ organizations to guide this effort. Stakeholders should include the Solano veteran organizations, veteran halls, County of Solano Veterans Affairs office, Community Action Network-North Bay (CAN-B), David Grant Medical Center, Mare Island Clinic, VA Travel Office, MTC and others. In addition, partner (possibly lead) with MTC on regional effort outlined in 2018 Coordinated Plan Strategy to “Improve Mobility for Veterans”. Technology Readiness, Customer Service Study With advances in communication systems, more information can be made available to the public faster. With more information, the public and organizations can make better mobility decisions. This study would evaluate existing technology being used by Solano transit operators, their plans for the future, compare and contrast with technology available and upcoming, identify opportunities to enhance information for the public on single and multiple transit systems, and develop a coordinated countywide transit technology plan.