Solano Mobility Study

P 95 p Solano Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Ch7: Strategies Proactive Information Dissemination Systematically reach out more to this population with relevant information while also responding to information requests. Mobility becomes an increasing challenge with age. Many ‘younger’ older adults in Solano recognized mobility challenges are likely to occur in their future. Transitioning to services and information systems with which this group is comfortable with should begin while not ignoring those in need now. Introduce new methods to engage and personalize information. Consider: u Hosting webinars or Facebook Live events; partner with Senior Centers and other organizations to host and promote. Consider a regular monthly time/day to present on different transportation service or program. u Promote and target information with enhanced outreach through social media such as Facebook, Next Door, etc. Strategically combine newer social media methods with existing preferred print media. u Increase visibility of mobility information at specific locations through use of real-time information and electronic displays. Improve Bus Stop Locations and Amenities Throughout the county there was interest in bus stops and improving their amenities. Seating (designed for older adults and people with disabilities) was the most important: higher seats, armrests to push up from, etc. Many have difficulty standing to wait for a bus or need a rest after walking to the bus stop. Shelter was noted as also important for protection against inclement weather. Information and lighting were other desired features in more locations. In Vallejo, the location of bus stops was an issue in terms of personal safety – either getting to and from the bus stop across busy streets or feeling vulnerable in some neighborhoods. Involve the community in the process of prioritizing bus stop placement and improvements. Maintain Existing Mobility Management Programs and Services Maintain, monitor and modify the foundation programs that were created as a result of the 2011 Solano Transportation Study for Seniors and People with Disabilities: Countywide Travel Training, Solano Mobility Call Center; ADA in-person Assessment Program; and Older Driver Safety Information Program.These began to be implemented in 2013, adjustments have been made and they have all become established programs. Travel Training has been particularly popular and is at the point of reaching capacity; consideration should be given to expand this