Solano Mobility Study

P 40 p Solano Transportation Authority Ch3: Existing Conditions/Transportation Inventory In the Fall of 2018, this program began to phase in service for non-ambulatory passengers.The payment process changed: paper scrip was replaced with a Pexcard which is a debit card specifically for this service. Acquiring value no longer required monthly trips to a retail location or office to purchase more scrip; value can be added by a simple phone call.The card, along with an ADA identification card, can be used on participating taxi services as well as a selection of wheelchair accessible vehicle services. Phasing in the PexCard and non-ambulatory service began in the SolTrans service area in October 2018 and was phased in countywide by July 2019. Lyft to SolanoExpress Program In early 2019, the STA expanded an existing program that offered subsidized Lyft rides to/from the Suisun City train station.The expanded program offers similar subsidized Lyft service to/from any SolanoExpress stop or Solano train station. Eighty percent (80%) of the Lyft ride is subsidized up to a $25 value. Private Transportation A variety of local and long-distance transportation operate in Solano County. Traditional taxies, Uber, Lyft and NEMTs (non-emergency medical transportation) serve all locations with response times longer in outlying areas. Greyhound (stops in Vallejo and Suisun City) and airporters are other long-distance transportation services. Megabus and Flixbus (newer long-distance private carriers) travel along I-80 in Solano County. Megabus does not stop in Solano County. Flixbus has a stop in Vallejo with service to 14 California cities as far south as San Diego. Non-Profits Throughout County Below is a list of Solano non-profits that provide some degree of transportation services to older adults to some degree. While several serve the county as a whole, their impact is not necessarily even across the county. Some serve specific areas of the county as noted.This is followed by a discussion of transportation for people with disabilities. Faith in Action: Faith in Action, a Solano non-profit, provides non-medical support services to older adults. Volunteer caregivers offer assistance to help older adults stay in their homes and remain connected to the community. Ride with Pride and Caregiver Respite Program are two programs that offer different levels of transportation. Ride with Pride volunteers drive older adults to medical appointments primarily within Solano County.The Caregiver Respite Program is for the most frail older adults and offers transportation door-through-door to medical appointments as well as for shopping and other errands. Faith in Action is funded by multiple public and private organizations. While a small donation is requested from clients, services are provided regardless of payment.The volume of service is dependent upon the availability of volunteers and has been most successful in central Solano.