Solano Mobility Study

P 39 p Solano Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Ch3: Existing Conditions/Transportation Inventory Older Driver Safety Training Information: Information about driving safety training (on-line and in-person) for older adults available in Solano was included on the new website. STA joins the California Highway Patrol (CHP) at Older Adult driver training workshops to share information about options to driving. ADA In-Person Assessments: These are held in each city on a regular, rotating basis at least twice a month in the larger cities and once a week in the smaller cities. Individuals must make an appointment and may receive a free ride to the assessment. After an assessment, individuals may be qualified, to varying degrees, for ADA eligible services such as ADA paratransit and subsidized taxi programs. The biggest service change was the consolidation of the SolanoExpress Routes 20, 30 and 40 into the Blue Line in mid-2018. Routes 20, 30, and 40 all operated on I-80 covering different segments with some overlap from Sacramento to the Walnut Creek BART station. Similarly, the new Blue Line serves Fairfield, Vacaville, Dixon, and Benicia and runs between downtown Sacramento and Pleasant Hill BART in Contra Costa County with a stop in Davis.The route operates Monday- Saturday. Similar to the previous service, frequency and coverage are reduced on Saturday and terminates service in Davis rather than Sacramento on Saturday. Service frequency also varies along the route on weekdays. As one route, transfers are eliminated and stop locations changed in Fairfield and Vacaville. The new Green Line is similar to the previous Rt. 90 (Suisun City-Fairfield-El Cerrito del Norte BART).The new Yellow Line is similar to the previous Rt. 78 (Vallejo-Benicia-Walnut Creek BART.These changes were made by STA, SolTrans and FAST. A Red Line was introduced in July 2019.The Red Line replaced SolTrans SolanoExpress Routes 80 and 85 and operates between Fairfield, Vallejo and El Cerrito del Norte BART.The Red Line will be is a more streamlined version of the previous routes. ADA Subsidized Intercity Taxi Program: This taxi program is for trips between cities within Solano County 4 for ADA qualified individuals. Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Taxi rides are subsidized by 60% and for low- income passengers the subsidy increases to 80%.There are monthly limits on the amount that may be purchased.The program is managed by the STA, funded by a partnership among the County of Solano and the five transit operators, and available to all Solano residents who are ADA eligible. 4 Except between Benicia and Vallejo as well as between Fairfield and Suisun City which are both covered by local subsidized taxi scrip programs.