Solano Mobility Study

P 23 p Solano Mobility Study for Older Adults and People with Disabilities Ch3: Existing Conditions/Transportation Inventory Chapter 3 Existing Conditions/Transportation Inventory This countywide study approached the issue of mobility from the city level and evolved to a countywide viewpoint. Ninety- five percent of the county’s population of over 400,000 is located within city limits.The seven cities range in size from Rio Vista’s 8,300 to Vallejo’s 120,600. Other characteristics of Solano cities vary. Ten percent of the population is 65 years and older and 11% of the total population have a disability. Some of the key characteristics of each community as they relate to this study are summarized below. Public transit is operated by five agencies in Solano County and several agencies from outside the county. Other public transportation programs are offered by the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) and by the Veterans Administration (VA).There are also transportation services delivered by the private sector and non-profits.The majority of transportation issues raised by the community outreach related to public services. An overview of the public transportation services will be presented initially and then followed by a discussion of each city and the services that serve them. The private and non-profit services are described at the end of this chapter. Public Transit – Solano Public transit is operated by transit agencies and cities in Solano County.These transit operators serve the public and are constantly striving efficiency for better and more efficiency. During the course of the project, some transit operations have undergone changes.The transit service presented is the service as it was presented at the City’s Mobility Summit. Transit service changes will be discussed later.